Thumbs Up TV Commercial


Client: Rab Processors

Assignment : TVC Production for Thumbs Up

Solution: Mirage PR conceptualized and produced the Thumbs Up commercial for Rab Processors in 2018 The eye-catching and persuasive commercial selling fizzy drink Thumbs Up, featured an athlete who walks into a store full of people of all ages looking for a drink. The athlete, a very attractive lady, immediately catches the attention of men in the store who attempt to buy her a drink but she is not impressed by their offers. She walks to the counter and asks for a bottle of Thumbs Up which she drinks whilst everyone stares at her and a family cheers her on for making the right choice. The TVC ends with a call to action asking consumers to purchase the product in various flavors available.

You may view the footage here-


NICO Group Ladies Brunch

 October 2020

Client: NICO Group

Objectives: Enhancing Customer Relationships

Solution: Mother’s Day is always an emotional celebration. We wanted our client to join in on the fun. We facilitated a women’s brunch for the NICO Group for Mother’s day celebrations. We were able to engage key stakeholders because some of the directors, staff, current customers, media and prospects are mothers. We invited women entrepreneurs to come network with the NICO Group as well as each other. 

After a light breakfast was served, we hosted a panel discussion led by a few leading and up & coming entrepreneurs to discuss the challenges that women entrepreneurs face and how to overcome them. It was a real life entrepreneur cry room experience.  that allowed the NICO team to bond with these women and also gain valuable insight for customer solutions. 

Guests enjoyed lunch and networking after the discussions.



International Golf Tournament

January 2019 – April 2019

Client: Ladies Golf Union of Malawi

Objective: To manage Malawi’s first ever International Golf Tournament and produce all the communication materials throughout all stages of the project. Photo Coverage of the first ever International Golf Tournament in Malawi. Task included taking wide variety of shots throughout the event.

Solution: Mirage PR coordinated the event starting from sourcing sponsorship from list of the sponsors provided by the client, inviting guests and working with the media to produce communications materials such as newsletters, posters to publicize the event. The agency arranged the venue for the event, and worked hand in hand with the client in choosing the trophies to be given to the winners of the tournament. Mirage PR also provide photo coverage for the event and produced wide range of shots with excellent qualities. These high-quality photos of the event were presented to the client.


OCL Malawi Night

December 2020

Client: Open Connect Limited

Objective: Customer engagement

Solutions: Mirage PR coordinated an event for OCL to give the client a platform for meaningful customer engagement. The event held at Mount Soche was graced by OCL executives and all its stakeholders. Unlike most sit and listen events, this event stayed true to its name, Malawi Night – a night celebrating the various cultures and traditions of Malawi through food, music and clothing. The guests were asked to come clad in traditional attire, the food was all local cuisine from different parts of the country, the décor was all locally sourced materials and there were also traditional dances by local cultural troupes. The theme was strategic to position OCL as a local brand deeply rooted in Malawi. OCL achieved lead generation, received helpful customer feedback and developed strong ties between themselves, customers and prospects.


National Bank Unlock Your Potential

May-July 2020

Client: NBM Plc    

Objective:  Digital Campaign to enhance customer relationships and boost overall favorable brand association  during first wave of COVID -19 pandemic

Solution: The COVID-19 crisis elicited tremendous change in both organizations and their customers’ lives. These being unprecedented times, companies struggled to maintain rapport with their stakeholders. It became increasingly vital for companies to transform their marketing and public relations strategies to incorporate more digital content in-order to optimize customer engagement and leverage the increasing amount of time that customers are spending at home and online.

Another rationale for this customer engagement campaign was strategic -A brand must not stop being there for its customers even if it means pivoting strategies. Your customers have historically supported your business, – now it is time to support them during hard hitting times. Now is the best time to make a stance that your brand genuinely cares for its customers. Investing in digital campaigns now can also boost traffic on your various digital platforms. Interest that you could sustain for future engagement.

We created a campaign concept that shared the important COVID-19 information very subtly while addressing effects of the challenge and offering solutions for them. As the internet is already flooded with content related to the crisis, we opted to take a unique approach. Our 5 key objectives were as follows;

  1. Humanizing the bank – offer empathy

2. Educate customers on how to interact with the brand

3. Assurance of NBM’s stability and continued quality customer service

4. Revolutionizing what customers value about NBM’s service

5. Tackling the future

The campaign allowed us to merge strategic and creative tactics – we broadcasted educational videos every Tuesday, ranging from coaching sessions with Renowned Coach Dr. Mary Mkandawire, Mental Health lessons & coping sessions with Dr. Chiwoza Bandawe and Business advice from the Bank CEO to music performances and aerobics on weekends.

The numbers speak for themselves. This campaign was easily the most shared content on social media. The rags to riches story of Social Entrepreneur Napoleon Dzombe had amassed over 200,000 organic views and was shared over 100 times. Influential personalities commended the campaign widely.

You may view some of the footage here – 


Nico Group Customer Appreciation Cocktail

Client: NICO Group

Project Duration: 1 Day, March 2019

Objective: Customer engagement with current customers and prospects 

Solutions: To promote customer retention and acquisition, Mirage PR put together an end of year client appreciation cocktail for NICO Group. The cocktail, held at the Bingu International Convention Centre, was multi-themed with a vintage outdoor setting that every customer wanted to take photos at. We arranged vintage clothing and cars for NICO staff. The lobby was an interactive setting. We scratched boring presentations off the programme and went for an intimate scene that would encourage one on one interactions for the NICO team and their clients. Wine and Cheese tasting encouraged the interactions. After an hour of the fun activities, guests were invited to the main event room that had a very futuristic theme for a brief speech from the Guest of Honor followed by snacks, drinks and music from the live band.

NICO Group achieved great customer engagement, lead generation and strengthened customer ties through this event. 


Blantyre Mayor’s Trophy

August, 2019

Client: NICO Group

Assignment : Enhance positive brand image and visibility, Corporate Social
Responsibility, Malawi Stakeholder Relations

Solution: Mirage PR Coordinated the Blantyre Mayor’s Trophy for The NICO Group and Blantyre City Council (BCC). Games kicked off in September with the finale to crown the football and netball champions in December. To enhance the brand’s visibility in Malawi, Mirage PR organized a trophy parade from NICO Chibisa House to the Chichiri Stadium where the tournament took place for NICO Group staff, BCC staff and students led by the Malawi Police Band and urban dancers on the day of the finale. The parade was so colorful, the city was painted blue and white, NICO Groups’ corporate colors. The public stopped to take pictures and videos of the ongoing parade which were plastered all over social media. Upon arrival at the stadium, games started, followed by corporate speeches and later social games between NICO Group staff and BCC staff with music performances at half-time. From Malawi media coverage, numerous social media posts, newspaper ads, posters in primary schools to positive word of mouth, this campaign created a strong buzz in Malawi and was definitely a win for NICO Group, positioning it as a brand that invests in the Malawi community.

You may view some of the footage here…


International ICT Expo 2019


Client: ICT Association of Malawi

Assignment: Concept and Coordination of the first ever International ICT Expo in Malawi

Solution: Mirage PR coordinated the ICT Expo 2019 that was held from 22nd to 23rd August 2019 under the theme “ICT As Catalyst for Economic Growth,”. The exciting event that took place at Bingu Wa Muntharika International Convention Center and in attendance were representatives from Private sector, government, NGO’s, donor agencies, International firms, SMEs and individual consultants. The event’s Guest of Honor, Hon. Mark Botoman, Minister of Information, Communication and Technology toured around the expo to appreciate some of the amazing exhibitions presented by the over 40 exhibitors. Activities included presentations, panel discussions, breakaway sessions and a networking cocktail. Various tech giants in Malawi including SPARC, MTL, IC-TECH, Huawei and Open Connect Limited also graced the event and displayed phenomenal products and services.

You may view some of the footage here



Open Connect Limited TV Commercial & Digital Campaign

June 2020

Client: Open Connect Limited

Assignment: Concept & Production of TV Commercials

Solution: This was a slightly challenging task. Open Connect Limited is an open access network infrastructure provider. This means that they are wholesalers providing service to retail ISPs who add value and provide service to the masses. Despite this, to create a valuable brand, we needed to communicate their value in copy relatable to all internet users. Connection was our keyword. The word connection is quite meaningful in this scenario – a reliable fast internet connection that enables you to stay connected to your family, your business and the rest of the world. A link to the world across all borders. Enabling was our secondary keyword. Positioning our client as a market leader and steering organization in the local ICT sector – an enabler of digital technology that enables development across multiple sectors including education, agriculture, health and the economy at large.

Mirage PR produced a 60 second TVC that was split into five 15 second bites for digital platforms. To ensure that the TVC reaches the target audience, Mirage PR facilitated a partnership between Open Connect and the ICT Association of Malawi sponsoring virtual panel discussions where the TVC was aired during commercial breaks. We also produced and streamed webinar together with ICTAM to position OCL as a steering organization in local ICT sector.

You may view some of the footage here-

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